write a letter

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write a letter

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:53:59
  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句
write a letter什么意思

1. He even promised to write a letter saying he would take all responsibility if anything happened during the flight.

2. Guo consulted psychology experts about Xiaodong's case and decided to write him a letter.

3. Generally, students have to write a letter of apology or do extra homework for such infractions.

4. Some people suggested that I write a letter to her, but it was not easy to explain the rhyme or reason.

5. Firstly, write and send out a thank you letter within 24 hours after the interview.

6. It seems few people still bother to take up the pen and write a letter.

7. Gilani lost his job in June in a similar showdown with the court after refusing to write the letter.

1. It means that you must write a letter or telephone to say if you can or cannot come.

2. write a letter的反义词

2. I am sorryI haven't been able to write a letter to you.

3. I dont think they will write a release letter for me.

4. write a letter什么意思

4. You can also convey your appreciation to people whom you`ve never properly thanked, or write a heartfelt letter to someone who means a lot to you, and send it to them.

5. The teacher calls a letter and the students must write as many words as they can beginning with that letter, in the allocated time. Their team-mates can call out hints, but be warned, this is very noisy.

6. Do you want me to write a letter to him?

7. I would like you to write a letter for me.

8. write a letter的翻译

8. I`ve got to write a letter.

9. I will write a letter to my mother.
我 要 写一封信给我母亲。

10. I did nothing but write a letter this afternoon.

11. We have to write a letter saying why we love avril.

12. As we drove off from Columbia, I wanted to write a letter to you to tell...

13. write a letter什么意思

13. As we drove off from Columbia, I wanted to write a letter to you...

14. write a letter在线翻译

14. As we drove off from Columbia, I wanted to write a letter to you to

15. He thought. It's a long letter, I dare say; she's the kind of woman who would write a long letter--a letter that will urge me on, drive me forward, wrench me out of myself, I've no doubt.

16. I write the letter to you for that I found your shop on net and I want to order a computer.

17. write a letter

17. Before turning on your computer or dictating machine, pull out a yellow pad and jot down the main points for your letter. List what you want the letter to say. Write the points in any order; write them as they come into your mind. You can rearrange them when you write the letter. Right now you're just making a checklist for writing the letter.

18. Before turning on your computer or dictating machine, pull out a yellow pad and jot down the main points for your letter. List what you want the letter to say. Write the points in any order; write them as they come into your mind. You can rearrange them when you write the letter. Right now youre just making a checklist for writing the letter.


19. This second letter, beloved, I now write to you; in them both I stir up your sincere mind with a reminder
3:1 亲爱的,我现在写给你们的是第二封信;在这两封信中,我都是以提醒激发你们纯诚的心思

20. Do you want to have another challenge Try to write a letter to Cathy Taylor and give advice what she should do with her children.

  • 临近词
Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Wang.(写一封信给你的老板,王先生。)
We cannot sign a bill or write a letter or buy a house without our pen.(没有了笔,我们就不能签署账单、写信或买房子。)
But how can I do that, when I can't even write a letter?(不过我怎么能写书呢,我连信都写不了。)
PENNY: 'I'll write a letter soon.(彭妮:“我很快会写信的。”)
Within three weeks she was able to write a letter to her family.(不到三个星期,她就能够给家里写信了。)
The children had promised to write a letter to grandmama every day, so they immediately started on their task.(孩子们答应每天给奶奶写一封信,所以他们立即开始了他们的任务。)
Who do you need to write a letter or call or visit to start the process of reconciliation?(你需要给谁写封信,或打个电话,或拜访一下,开始与他和解?)
A: I was hoping you would write a letter of recommendation.(A:您是否能为我写一封推荐信。)
Let's say a boss is asked to write a letter of recommendation for a former employee seeking an engineering job.(让我们来假设一种情况:一位老板被要求为一个正在寻找工程师工作的前雇员写一封推荐信。)
Write a letter to your partner and tell him or her what's bothering you.(写信告诉对方你的苦恼。)
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